Starting...Yet Again #LetsDoThis!

I used to looove makeup, and I love telling sharing with everyone near me what I love, so that they can enjoy them too. I used to love watching and reading reviews online and on Youtube; trying new things; spent hours at Sephora/Watsons/Sasa or anywhere that sells anything beauty, just to feel the formula, smell them and of course, I will end up with colourful polka dots on my hands (most of the time I forgot to bring wipes or I simply just love staring at those colours while driving home). Doing those things were very, very fulfilling for me (my wallet, not so much đŸ˜‚).

Then, life happened.

I got married with the love of my life, had a beautiful son, and keeping balance between work and home, I somehow lost myself.

Then, out of nowhere, I think I'm starting to find myself again. Recently, I find myself automatically drawn to the stores I used to love, my love for colours are coming back to me, and it felt good. I feel that missing part of me is back. And that feeling of content is starting to sloooowly come back to me.

That brings me to this page that I forgot I had. When I scrolled and read the things that wrote previously (even tho there weren't that many), it somehow reminded me of my passion, of what makes me even more happy, that content feeling.

So, with this, I hope that I can continue to do this (again), because doing this makes me happy, for me. I know that this platform is soooooo 10 years ago, but I'm doing this for me, and for whoever that shares the same passion as me. I'm also not a camera-person, which I've been trying to fix that for over 20 years now (LOL).



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